Vasco Real Estate


                                 TITLE DEED

What is a Title Deed?

A land Title Deed is a legal document that proves ownership and legal rights over a piece of property.

How to check Title Deed Online

Since the rise of digital services, it is easy for you to check your Title Deed online thanks to Ardhisasa Platform and e-citizen Platform. First sign up to the platforms and provide your title deed details and wait for results. With one click of a button you get to know whether your title deed is valid.

Types of Title Deeds in Kenya

We have three types of title deeds in Kenya as stated below:

  1. Freehold Title Deed

A person or organization has full ownership of the property for the rest of their lives.

Benefits of freehold properties;

  • Financing of freehold properties is easier.
  • Quick and easy to resell in case of anything.
  • It enjoys higher appreciation costs.

It is important for you to note that, at Vasco Real Estate Limited, all our properties fall under freehold. 

2. Leasehold Title Deed

This type of title deed is whereby the ownership and use of the land is capped at a maximum of 99years.  The lease can either be issued again or not. It is not a guarantee. It applies more to foreigners in the country in case they want to own land.

Benefits of leasehold properties;

  • They are quiet affordable compared to freehold properties.
  • 3. Sectional Title Deed

This is a title deed for a unit within a building for example a flat or an apartment.


It is always important to inquire from your real estate agent what kind of property you are planning to purchase. Depending with factors you’ll have considered like affordability and location.

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